

The primary intent of this workshop is to prepare attendees to get through the interview process in a satisfactory manner, to provide a thorough understanding of how to absorb the new post-employment work surroundings, to focus on the office interactions, to plan your career, to get ahead and succeed in the workplace. This workshop is mainly for pre-final and final year students in any discipline.

New Employees in an Organization

The main goal of this workshop is to guide new/junior employees become part of the organization and begin contributing towards their job functions as soon as possible in a beneficial manner. This, in turn, will help their managers use their time for more important productive tasks instead of focusing on these employees for the majority of their time.

Their manager can also use our target learning objectives to ensure that the employees are using the information learned in this workshop. This can also be made part of their annual performance plans. This workshop is primarily for new joinees as well as employees who are less than 2 to 3 years old in the organization.

Employees showing Potential

This workshop is mainly intended for employees who are showing growth potential in your organization. We provide them with all the tools, skills and techniques required to do well and succeed in their new role along with meeting your expectations as a first-time Supervisor, Team Lead or Manager. We begin by introducing these prominent employees to best practices and management concepts being used across the world and then reinforcing these concepts in these employees through role plays and case studies. Upon completion of our workshop, they can begin contributing to the organization’s progress immediately.

Contact Information

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011 91 9949847384